So I Married A Movie Geek - Episode 15 - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

So I Married A Movie Geek show

Summary: Everyone's seen 'Temple of Doom,' right? Well, Krissy hadn't. So we watched it annnnd talked about it a whole bunch. Discussion includes Justin saying "like" a whole lot (he blames stupidity/cold medicine), what really happened with Krissy & her hatred of 'Raiders of the Lost Ark,' which 2 characters will forever be known as Blanket Jackson & Tater Tots, what to do (or not do) when served monkey brains for dessert, the dangers of getting a beer with Mola Ram, the stupidity of a bulimic army & much more. Rated PG-13 because we also talk about child slavery & hearts being torn from people's chest cavities. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED.