Bob Frissell - Hour 1 - Transitioning Into The 4th Dimension

Red Ice Radio show

Summary: Bob Frissell is a teacher of thirty years, whose books are regarded as underground spiritual classics. He is a qualified and authorized facilitator of Flower of Life Research. Bob teaches the MerKaBa Meditation, sacred geometry, and Breath of Life Rebirthing along with other heart opening techniques. He was trained by Leonard Orr, the rebirthing pioneer, and by Drunvalo Melchizedek, the originator of the MerKaBa and Unity Breath meditations. In the first hour, we begin talking about 2012 and the window of 7-10 years of drastic changes he sees. Bob talks about how we are moving from the 3rd dimension into the 4th. We discuss dimensional overlaps similar to musical overtones. Bob mentions the type of consciousness we've been immersed in for the last 13,000 years and discusses the rise of a new type of consciousness. Then, we discuss the transition into the 4th dimension and how to harmonize and align with the changes. He explains how we've been living on an old world copy of Earth in the 3rd dimension.