073 - Learn to Speak German - Urlaub in Ägypten / Holidays in Egypt

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Summary: This morning I arrived in Zürich - in the cold and gray. The temperature was about 25 °C lower than in Egypt where I spend the last two weeks. Today I will talk about my holiday in egypt, providing you with a number of useful vocabulary and sentences. First of all: Many thanks to all of you who wrote me about the podcast. I did not access the Internet from Egypt and am very surprised (and pleased) about the number and the quality of emails you wrote me! We will come back to that later. I spend my holidays with my girlfriend in Sharm el Sheik. Ich war mit meiner Freundin in Sharm el Sheik im Urlaub. As you can see, I visited the Pyramids near Kairo. Wie ihr sehen könnt, habe ich die Pyramiden bei Kairo besichtigt. We spend most of the time lying at the beach. Die meiste Zeit haben wir am Strand gelegen. The weather was perfect and very warm for the season. Though we did feel cold most of the time because of the wind and the cold water (22°C). Das Wetter war super und für die Saison sehr warm. Wegen dem ständigen Wind und dem kalten Wasser haben wir aber dennoch die meiste Zeit gefroren. We had a hotel with demi-pension and the food was delicious. Wir hatten ein Hotel mit Halbpension und das Essen war köstlich. I also went scuba diving in the red sea. Ich war auch tauchen im Roten Meer. We went for a few excursions for example to Mt. Sinai and the Colored Canyon. Wir haben ein paar Ausflüge gemacht, z.B. zum Berg Sinai und dem Colored Canyon. As always the holiday was way too short... Wie immer waren die Ferien viel zu kurz... Stephan stephan@german-podcast.de Luzern, 11.01.2009Use this free podcast to learn to speak German. http://german-podcast.blogspot.com