Season 7 - Episode 6 - DEXTER Podcast from 2GuysTalking

The DEXTER Podcast from 2GuysTalking show

Summary: When you're 5 years old, "doing the right thing" has a bit of a stick behind it. If you do the wrong thing, you get the proverbial rolled up newspaper, and move on to another day. When we become adults, in particular in our late thirties with 5 year olds of our own, you'd think that "doing the right thing" would be come easier - a more straight-forward experience. This week, during DEXTER's 7th season's 6th episode, "Do the Wrong Thing", not only is the rolled up newspaper equation missing, that whole "30-something-common-sense lead by example" thing is out the window, AND - we see the head of a self destructive pimple rearing it's ugly head for the first time this season - Hmmm. Join us as we grabbed our own brand of rolled up newspaper and administer our own perspective-drive rolled up newspaper - both in the negative and positive as we reach the true halfway point during this season, season 7 of the 2GuysTalking DEXTER Podcast...