The Good Atheist Podcast: Episode 163

The Good Atheist show

Summary: This week, I make a special announcement, we discuss the “purity” tests for Reason Rally, and why no one is actually rational. Be sure to check out the notes below for more content. See you all at the Rally Saturday - Bradley Dean and his scary org, “You Can Run But You Can’t Hide” - Kony 2012 guy (Jason Russel) flips out, parades naked - Reason Rally is on - Greydon Square Reason Rally After-Party (get your tickets now!) - PZ Myers is unhappy about some of the speakers attending - Did Global Warming stop an Ice Age? - BP Oil Spill still haunts me - The release of methane from Permafrost is already happening - 3000 kilometer is 1864 miles - The Egyptian cubit is larger than the Sumerian cubit, but it’s a forearm only, not the whole arm (suck on that, Sumer) - The Triune Brain model is outdated, but still a useful model to explain behavior - The schedule for TGA fans who want to meet up - Jessica Ahlquist gets a lot of love from atheist community - Chess Grandmaster family