016 – SDP – Dealing With Depression

Surviving Divorce Podcast: Hope, Healing, Recovery, Personal Finance, Co-Parenting show

Summary: In this episode I continue the discussion of the stages of the grieving process. Dealing With Depression After Divorce Depression is a normal part of the grieving process.  It typically comes after the bargaining phase when we are starting to come to grips with the fact that the marriage is truly over.  It's a phase that most people go through before finally reaching acceptance and moving on. Signs Of Depression Some common signs of depression include sleep disruptions, appetite changes, fatigue and general lack of energy, loneliness, feelings of isolation and emptiness.  Most grief induced depressions are temporary and will pass; however, if you have several of these symptoms that last for days or weeks without end you may be facing clinical depression.  If that's the case, or if you ever have suicidal thoughts, contact a health care professional who is trained to deal with depression immediately. How Depression Shows Up Depression after divorce may show its ugly head in several ways: Letting the house go Dishes may pile up for days or weeks Laundry may go unwashed Losing interest in favorite activities hobbies exercise volunteering Lack of focus at work Wanting to sleep all the time Lack of interest in personal appearance Distancing yourself from friends and family Over or under eating Combating Depression You really need to find something to take your mind off of your current situation.  Reading a good book where you can escape into the story may help.  Volunteering at your church or favorite charity can put your focus on others rather than yourself.  Re-engaging with friends or changing up your routine can also help. How Do You Know You're Making Progress Progress can be measured in small steps.  You get the dishes done every couple of days.  Laundry may actually get washed (even if it doesn't get folded).  Your appetite returns to normal.  You are able to focus better on you tasks at work and home. Wrap-up You can support the podcast by starting a free trial with Audible.com here Please consider leaving a review in iTunes if you enjoy the podcast. It will help keep it visible for others to find it. If you'd like to discuss this topic you can leave a comment below and I'll gladly join you. And finally, if you have a question you would like me to address you can leave a message on Listener Feedback Line at 347-433-7664 or email me at feedback@survivingdivorcepodcast.com