Podcast 387: Leapfrogging-Harness the Power of Surprise for Business Breakthroughs with Soren Kaplan

Inside Personal Growth show

Summary: Is the element of surprise something that we can all use to create breakthrough in our businesses?  Author Soren Kaplan in his new book entitled Leapforgging believes that surprise is the power that can help businesses jump start their creativity and embrace ways to reinvent themselves.  Kaplan states Instead of fighting against uncertainty we should use it to break down limiting mindsets and barriers to change the game.  We can find both opportunity in both good and bad surprises. Soren encourages leaders to embrace counter-intuitive ideas, manage paradoxes and even welcome failure.  This is what he refers to as the key to Leapfroggingcreating or doing something radically new or different that produces a significant leap forward.  I always appreciated the Albert Einstein quote The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. Sorens new book Leapfrogging can certainly assist anyone in finding new ways of looking at and transforming their ideas and thoughts into breakthroughs both personally and professionally.  His book helps the reader overcome existing mindsets by introducing whole new possibilitiesand consequently new assumptionsinto the mix. Soren states that breakthroughs share three common characteristics: 1) They challenge fundamental assumptions about existing products, services, business models or organizations. 2) Breakthroughs transform existing ways of doing business by rewriting rules or revolutionizing current practices. 3) They apply resources in entirely new ways, whether people, knowledge, relationships or technology. Sorens new book is a great resource for anyone who feels stuck. He has provided great stories along with strategic questions after each chapter to challenge your mindset, and help you learn how to Leapfrog into new breakthroughs. If you would like to learn more about Soren Kaplan you can click here to be directed to his website, or you can watch a great Ted-X video presentation by clicking here. Enjoy this great interview with author Soren Kaplan.