How Tynan Became a Pickup Artist, Made Earrings out of Human Bone, And Lives in an RV

Hack the System show

Summary: Welcome to the fifth episode of the Hack The System show! You should subscribe to this show on iTunes. The Hack The System Podcast is your access to interviews with the world's foremost experts on blogging, lifestyle design, traveling, and life/system hacking. In short--you're going to learn how to kick ass. In this episode, I sit down with Tynan of Tynan was one of the first bloggers that inspired me to become a lifestyle designer. Hell, his digital nomad packing list was the basis for what I still travel with. Tynan was Herbal in the book The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists. He traveled the world with just a small backpack, and lives the most interesting lifestyle that I've ever seen. And now, he just launched a new blogging platform (different than wordpress) called Sett---you can see it in action at Tynan has been a huge inspiration for me, and you're going to learn a ton of info from him. Below, you'll see a list of things to listen out for--and a full transcript of the conversation. Transcript of the Podcast Episode [tweetlock] Don't forget to subscribe to this show on iTunes.Maneesh:Hey guys! This is Maneesh Sethi your number one digital nomad. I’m coming at you today from Portland, Oregon. I’m here with my good buddy Tynan, from better than your boyfriend. And, Tynan is freaking awesome. Men, I love this guy. This guy is one of the, like, one of my inspirations for travelling. Ty, why don’t you introduce yourself a little bit?Tynan: I’m Tynan. I tend to do really extreme weird things and then try to convince other people to do them. Take the best parts of them. I program, I write, I travel pretty much constantly. Yeah, what else is there? Maneesh: And that’s all basically all you do. Tynan: That’s all I do. Maneesh: That’s all it is. Tynan, like, you guys remember my webinar that was recent, “How to take advantage of the system.” There’s nobody in the world I know who’s better at taking advantage of the system than Tynan. I’m going to tell you exactly why Tynan is here, because he is not from Portland. He is from San Francisco. And, basically, I was just going up to Portland and I told Tynan on chat I’m like, “Yo man! I’m going to head to Portland. I’ll talk to you later.” Twelve hours later I get a little IM from him, he’s like, “Yo man! Just booked a private jet, see you on Portland tomorrow.” The fuck! He’s like, “Yeah, it was a dollar.” How did that work out? Tynan: Actually free, they didn’t charge me the bag. I got an additional discount. Yeah, it was a company called Jet Sweep, private jet chartering company. You know, all these jet companies, they have to constantly move their planes around to get them in position for the next client. And, I think most companies they want to see them like, “hoity-toity”, so they don’t want to offer discounted rates when they have to move the plane but Jet Sweep does, normally for 500 bucks. And, for a week they have them for a dollar. And so, out of the past five days, I’ve won four times. Came back from Vegas on a private jet, won one from LA to San Francisco, couldn’t give it to any of my friends, no one will take it, then came out here and then I won one from Austin to Houston yesterday for my friends, who are actually on it right now. Maneesh: Amazing. So like, do you ever feel that it, like whatever, like, first of all, it’s most hilarious thing I ever saw was your PJ’s in your PJ’s in a PJ, Kanye West’s song, he’s going to take a photo of himself and all of his buddies in their pajamas on a private jet. Insane! But, tell me more about like, other stuff, other deals that you’ve done. What kind of cool things have you like, taken advantage of in this situation? Tynan: Men, I mean, I feel like almost everything I buy or do, you know, like, I definitely don’t try to get like, the cheapest of everything because I feel like that’s sort of like, a losing strategy. But I try to,