Mouth Off 11.29.09

Mouth Off show

Summary: Around the Horn Duwende claims Casual Harmony’s Aaron Boykin as their newest dude, Boston-based Overboard’s Beatles tribute Help! is FREE, A Cappella helps a man with Alzheimers (seriously, read this right now), AcaTunes might release an iPhone app?, and the Sing Off lineup is announced! Dave basically couldn’t be more proud that BYU Noteworthy is among the contenders! Head-2-Head Christopher gets down and dirty with two stellar versions of Taxi Ride’s “Get Set”. It’s an artistic brawl between the Northwestern Undertones and the Stanford Harmonics (thanks James Ranson!). [Edit: Both songs are available on iTunes here: Undertones - and Harmonics -] My New Girlfriend Noteworthy-love abounds as Dave tells us about the mega-talented songwriter, producer, engineer, singer, teacher, directer and Mouth Off! theme song writer, the lovely Catherine Papworth. In Your Earbuds Of COURSE Christopher’s been all about the new GaGa, but the new Norah Jones is moody and sophisticated and playing on repeat in his earbuds. Album Review This time, the boys are more yin and yin as they discuss the latest release Twist from University of North Carolina Chapel Hill all-male supergroup, the Clef Hangers. This meaty album is high quality, squeaky clean and great fun, but could maybe stand for a more sensitive touch.