Mouth Off 03.14.10

Mouth Off show

Summary: Around the Horn SingStrong was amoizing, Accidentals are ICCA South champs, ICCA West Semis are next weekend (+ Dave + Sonos), Deke says getting the pitch is key, Sweeps is on babyyyy, Ithacappella was on the Price is Right!, Happy Birthday to Bobby McFerrin, Sonic Audio has a new studio, SpringSing is coming up, Alex Green 2.0, The Sing-Off got picked up for a second season! In Your Earbuds Christopher is STILL in love with Theresa Andersson, who finally released a live version of his favorite track. Music from the Future Dave looks into his crystal ball and predicts that OSU Outspoken’s next album Do Not Disturb will be freaking stunning. Better than the Original In the ongoing debate of “Gravity” vs. “Gravity” (vs. “Gravity”), Christopher declares that the version originally recorded by Sara Bareilles is better than the later version recorded by… Sara Bareilles.  And get this: the original is the a cappella one.  Just listen to the segment and we’ll explain. Album Review Dave & Christopher offer some constructive criticism on Stratosphere, the debut album from go-getter group University of Wisconsin-Madison Fundamentally Sound.  It’s a solid first draft, but D&C predict better days ahead.