Mouth Off 01.22.12

Mouth Off show

Summary: It’s an EP-sode! In Your Earbuds Christopher is loving the latest EPs from USC Trojan Men, UNC Cadence, and NCSU Acappology. Around the World London-based French musician June Caravel recorded her first solo a cappella record before ever learning about the a cappella community.  Welcome June! Listener Mailbag Lots of chatter about LA/AF, the Bubs tour to Argentina, Vocal Forte’s new track list makes waves, Coldplay love for the Georgetown Phantoms, Postyr Project live streaming concert, m-pact bass man Trist Curless shares their new studio recording of the much-loved “My Funny Valentine,” and a fan from Philadelphia belts about the Broadway belt-off challenge. Album Review Mo5aic’s EP 5 is sonic bliss. Christopher and Dave both love it, and wonder what’s next for this superquintet. Album Review The self-titled debut EP from London-based all-female pro group the boxettes is promising, if surprisingly organic.