VBL014 – Popping Up all Over the Internet, with Michael Dunlop!

Virtual Business Lifestyle - Online Business, Start-Up, Entrepreneurship, Lifestyle Design and Outsourcing Advice show

Summary: (http://www.virtualbusinesslifestyle.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/press-1.jpg) When it comes to 'Crushing It' online and making a name for yourself amongst your peers (in this case, the Internet Marketing world), Michael Dunlop from IncomeDiary.com (http://www.incomediary.com/) and Retireat21.com (http://www.retireat21.com/), has it made. This young, 21-year old online entrepreneur makes more money each month than most people I know, period. His latest offering is the fantastic Wordpress plugin 'Pop-Up Domination' (http://bit.ly/db0FhR), which you have no doubt seen 'popping up' all over the internet recently. His secret - well, listen to this awesome edition of the VBL Podcast (http://itunes.apple.com/ph/podcast/virtual-business-lifestyle/id377846535) and find out. Although this interview was recorded as a video, unfortunately the quality from Michael’s end wasn’t very good, and so I thought it would be better to create an audio version out of it instead of just throwing it away! When I sat down and recorded this interview with Michael he had just come off a pretty bad bout of the flu, or something similar, although it doesn’t come across in our chat. He clearly shines through and the conversation is golden, and a must have resource for any aspiring internet marketer or anyone else wanting to get started with making money online. Through the course of our conversation, we discuss, amongst other topics: * His strategy for creating passive income streams. * Setting up your blog and going live with it – fast! * Turning yourself into an authority in your niche. * The importance of your building your online marketing list. * The brilliance behind his new Pop-Up Domination (http://bit.ly/db0FhR) WP plugin. Download the audio of this podcast to listen to it on your iPod, iPhone or iPad below, and be sure to subscribe to our Podcast feed on iTunes, too! NOTE: The second release of Pop-Up Domination goes live Tomorrow, September 28th at exactly 2pm GMT! Click the link and check it out – it’s a list-building machine!!! As promised in the interview (and reminded to me by Matthew Needham on our Skype chat!), below is a quick comedic moment from the BBC show 'Only Fools and Horses'. Hope it makes you chuckle. A big thanks goes out to Michael for taking the time to chat and for being so candid in his thoughts, tactics and experiences, too. As the growing community here on the blog is looking more and more towards becoming location independent, creating passive income and being their own boss, I’d love to hear from you all below in the comments section on your take of Michael’s strategies, etc. Cheers!