VBL022 – How to Travel the World and Live a Jetset Life, with Rob & Kim Murgatroyd

Virtual Business Lifestyle - Online Business, Start-Up, Entrepreneurship, Lifestyle Design and Outsourcing Advice show

Summary: Every once in a while you come across people that really stand out. I mean, they just have the ability to capture you. You want to follow them, to know more about them and what they do, and HOW they do it. Rob and Kim Murgatroyd from JetsetLife.tv (http://www.JetsetLife.tv) are these types of people. Even though they are married, have a family and run their own businesses online, the couple still find time to spend a chunk of the year traveling to some of the most exotic and 'new rich' destinations in the world. In today's VBL Podcast, myself, Rob and Kim discuss amongst other things: * What started their awesome adventure of discovery and travel. * A funny story from an alcohol-infused evening on a scooter in Europe! * How they plan for their extended trips maticulously (sometimes taking months), to make sure they have the absolute best time possible. * The way they capitalize on their travels by creating top-notch passive income products. * Why they shoot their travel videos and created their 'Secret List'. * Plus much, much more... Play or download the audio of this VBL Podcast (http://www.virtualbusinesslifestyle.com/vbl-podcast/) (below) to listen to it on your iPod, iPhone, or iPad and be sure to subscribe on iTunes (http://itunes.apple.com/ph/podcast/virtual-business-lifestyle/id377846535), too! What this couple get up to is what a lot of married people just dream about. The fact that they truly are living the lifestyle they want to, on their terms, is inspiring to say the least. You'll enjoy this interview, everyone - and watch the video if you can - the interaction between us all, visually, makes for much more enjoyable viewing! Rob & Kim's Special Offer for VBL Subscribers As promised, right at the end of the interview, I have a Special Offer for all VBL Subscribers that would like to join Rob and Kim's 'Jet Set Money' program. This is a program that goes into great detail on everything from how to find a quality niche, to outsourcing tips (didn't need any myself!), to traveling the world and visiting exotic locations. Plus, there's a ton of extras, too. (http://www.virtualbusinesslifestyle.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/special_offer-300x174.jpg)For more info and to sign-up for just $1 - yes, that's right, just ONE DOLLAR, simply click on this special link (http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/?af=1295673). A big thank you to both Rob and Kim for taking the time to chat with me for the podcast - this is one of those interviews that will always be 'in fashion' for people wanting to break free and enjoy the VBL. QUICK REMINDER: If you haven't done so already, please take a little time to take the VBL Survey (http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/YM9ZGRF), results will be tallied soon! Thanks for tuning in, everyone!