ROOM 12 - August 2011: Karen Maitland, The Time Traveler’s Wife, John Welsh, Claire Kinton,Joe Evans

The Reading Room show

Summary: <br> <br> <br> On August's podcast we talk to historical fiction author <a href="">Karen Maitland</a> about how and where she finds her inspiration, poet John Welsh tells us about his third book <a href=";products_id=1356">Manic Reflections</a> and how being bipolar affects his creativity, author <a href="">Claire Kinton</a> talks about the writing process of her first novel <a href=";tag=therearoo07-21&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;camp=1634&amp;creative=6738&amp;creativeASIN=B00500PYH4">Dead Game</a> which was inspired by the death of her cousin whilst serving in Iraq, our Tea Break Story comes from Joe Evans, and the Reading Room Book Group discusses <a href=";tag=therearoo07-21&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;camp=1634&amp;creative=6738&amp;creativeASIN=0099464462">The Time Traveler's Wife</a> by Audrey Niffenegger. <br> <br> Click the player below to listen online or subscribe to the podcast using the buttons on the right...<br>