Episode 78: A Man Without Honor

A Podcast of Ice and Fire show

Summary: Episode 78 for the week of May 13th, in which we review the seventh episode in the second season of HBO’s Game of Thrones. Ashley, Amin and Kyle are joined by returning guest Lex and first time guest Vikingkingq Vikingkingq (Race for the Iron Throne Blog), both from our forums. There are a multitude of other listeners joining in a chaotic aftershow of Tormund Giantsbane proportions, with the best entrance award going to Alex from Tower of the Hand! Notes: For the text transcript of this episode and detailed discussion, check out the forum thread. For the Genna Lannister/Red Walder Hill theory, check out the relevant forum thread. Finally, the guitar music at the end of the main episode was recorded by Lex.