7 Ways to Simplify Your December Daily Journalling

December Daily Inspiration Podcast show

Summary: 7 ways to simplify your journalling for your Christmas projects 1. Oh Life You can use this daily or weekly email reminder service  and receive regular emails. You simply reply each day with a photo if you like, and OhLife keeps your entries securely online. The great thing is you can always go back and reply to the emails for past days and the entries slot into their place. 2. Blog If you already blog, when not post your journalling for December Daily there? 3. Email yourself Check out Simple Scrapper's great article that shows how you can use email to keep your journalling together, I suggest emailing yourself with the subject line December Daily or similar. 4. Memory Logbook/Diary You can use a diary to record tidbits throughout the day, or just refer back to your appointment schedule for reminders of the day's happenings. I have used the Memory Logbook from Log your Memory for 2 years now and I love it. It's a diary designed for memory keepers. You can purchase the Logbook here: 2012 Memory Logbook ... Capture your everyday real life in 2012! Why not used the Thankful2012 coupon code to save $5.00 off your order? 5. Sticky note on the physical page For those of you who like to avoid errors or prefer printed journalling, pop a sticky pad in your purse, on the kitchen bench and then pop them onto your foundation pages. 6. Write straight onto the page This system is simple and effective, if you have your December Daily project on hand. I would definitely go this way if I wasn't a digi-scrapper. Just so simple! 7. Memento app You can also use your iPhone or iPad with the Memento App.  It gathers your feeds from Facebook and Twitter into one place automatically and it can gather your pictures too. You can even backup and restore your "moments". Here's some more from Memento: With Momento in your pocket you can write your diary ‘on the go’, capturing moments whenever you find the time. A beautiful interface coupled with powerful tagging, makes it quick andeasy to write about your day and browse moments from your past. Archive years of your online life in minutes ConnectMomento with popular web services to fill your diary with your online activity. Inminutes Momento can build a record of each day, using the information and media you have shared online. A fast, effective and effortless way to record your life. Tweets from Twitter Facebook Statuses Facebook Check-ins Flickr Photos Instagram Photos Have more tips? I'd love to hear from you in the comments below. Resources for December Daily Ali's Introduction to December Daily Shimelle's Journal Your Christmas 2011 December Daily Flickr Group Follow @decemberdaily on twitter Enjoy the Podcast? Subscribe for Free Subscribe to December Daily Inspiration in iTunes now Previous Episodes Missed the first couple of episodes? December Daily Inspiration: Episode 1 Why December Daily? 5 Reasons I Scrapbook Every Day in December Like us on Facebook Like December Daily on Facebook for easy access to each podcast as it's posted and other cool scrapbooking related updates and tips.