My Symphony Of Life – Episode# 15 2/19/2012 – Interview With Carrie Heyes And So Much More!

My Symphony Of Life show

Summary: My Symphony Of Life episode 15 is dedicated to Claire Johnson. Claire Johnson was the wife of DJ. Knuckles aka Vance Gardner. Our featured guest is Carrie Heyes. Carrie Heyes is a children’s poet. Her most recent book is called Duck... duck... Moose! She writes whimsical poems that lend themselves to catchy phrases and silly but thoughtful ideas. She’s a podcaster at Carrie Heyes Doopod: poetry for kids which can be found on iTunes, she’s also the founder/owner of her website I’ll discuss 2011 year in review. We’ve had wonderful guests on our show. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed talking to all of our guests. I hope you have learned as much from them as I did! I have journaling prompts as well as poetry prompts for you as well Where do you want to be 6 months from now? Are you creating this opportunity for yourself/What tools are you using to get there? Close your eyes and focus on one of the people that you hold dear to your heart, who is it and how have they provided inspiration in your life? Poetry Prompts 1. Write a poem about your favorite state that you’ve visited. Think about what excites you about that state and why it’s meaningful to you. 2. List 5 of your talents and passions you have in life and write poetry based on your list. Write about your true self! 3. List pet’s you might have had in your life and write about the connection you’ve had with each of them. What made the connection unique? I look forward to hearing from you and responses to these prompts. Again, I’ll share mine with you on the next show. If you have any questions regarding journaling you can always email me at If you’d like me to share your journaling and poetry writing’s on the next podcast, let me know and I’ll get that on the next show! For the next show our featured guest will be Tracy- Penny Pinching Mom! Stay tuned!