RA010 | Dean Karnazes: UltraMarathon Man

Runner Academy with Matt Johnson: Achieve Your Running Goal | 5K | 10K | Half Marathon | Marathon show

Summary: Dean Karnazes has run across America in 75 days, run 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 days, won the Badwater Ultra-Marathon - a 135 mile race across Death Valley in 120°F heat, ran a marathon to the South Pole in temperatures of -40°F. He was the 2008 Overall Winner of the 4 Deserts Race Series, he’s run 10 - 200 mile relay races - solo! He’s been named to Time Magazine’s List of the 100 Most Influential People in The World. And this is only to name some of his accomplishments as a runner. Dean has been featured on 60 Minutes, The Late Show with David Letterman, CBS News, CNN, ESPN, The Howard Stern Show, NPR's Morning Edition, the BBC, and many others. He has appeared on the cover of Runner's World and Outside, and been featured in TIME, Newsweek, People, GQ, The New York Times, USA TODAY, The Washington Post, Men's Journal, Forbes, The Chicago Tribune, The Los Angeles Times, and the London Telegraph, and many others. He is a monthly columnist for Men's Health, the largest Men's publication in the world. He’s a New York Times best selling author of 3 books UltraMarathon Man: Confessions of an all Night Runner, 50/50 and his most recent book Run: 26.2 stories of Blisters and Bliss are inspiring stories of his triumphs that are sure to inspire you. But most importantly, running is his passion, he is humble about his successes and above all as I discovered when I met him in Chicago before the Chicago marathon, just a regular guy. In this episode, Dean shares lots of advice and wisdom in achieving your own running goals. You'll hear his strategies for breaking out of your comfort zone, how to deal with a string of bad days, runs or when you want to quit in a race. He also shares his thoughts on cross-training, finding time to run and inspiration. You'll also hear what didn't make it into his books. In the quick tip, I share some basics for proper running form so you can ensure you can run as fast and efficiently as possible.