Episode 58: Inciting An Agnostic Riot

Inciting A Riot show

Summary: Episode 58 of Inciting A Riot: the Podcast brings on two of Fire Lyte's new favorite podcasters for an interview about being an agnostic. Ross and Carrie - of Oh No! Ross and Carrie! - are two atheist/skeptics that go investigate spiritual claims so you don't have to. <br> <br> Or, you know, so they say. <br> <br> You can check out their website at OhNoPodcast.com and send them an email at Info@OhNoPodcast.com. <br> <br> Please continue to vote for the show on Podcast Alley. Vote, subscribe to, and rate the show on iTunes. Join the TwitterRiot by following me @IncitingARiot. Enter the Swag Contest through a donation on PayPal or purchase of swag through the CafePress.com swag shop. Check out my art on FireLyte.Etsy.com. Send any and all feedback to IncitingARiotPodcast@gmail.com! <br> <br> Love and Lyte, <br> <br> Fire Lyte <br> <br> Home Page: http://www.IncitingARiot.com <br> Podcast Alley: http://www.podcastalley.com/podcast_details.php?pod_id=86829 <br> Etsy: http://FireLyte.Etsy.com <br> iTunes: http://www.itunes.com/podcast?id=337689333 <br> Twitter: http://twitter.com/IncitingARiot <br> Swag Shop: http://cafepress.com/IncitingARiot <br> Project Pagan Enough: http://www.incitingariot.com/p/project-pagan-enough.html <br>