EP47: West Coast Fresh Veggie Lauren & More!

Red Radio: Vegan Banter with a Bite show

Summary: The illustrious Fresh Veggies segment returns in Red Radio Episode Forty Seven!  Erin Red chats with dear friend Lauren about (gluten-free!) veganism as it relates to MMA, travel, the corporate world and so much more.  Plus, learn the truth about dairy cows in a Compassionate Clip of the Week featuring vegan interweb superstars Jonathan Mann & Ivory King, and hear all about Erin Red's absolute FAVORITE post-workout beverage!  YEEHAW!  Please consider supporting Red Radio by visiting erinred.com and clicking the DONATE button, and subscribe to Red Radio on iTunes today!  If you love what you hear, leave a glowing review, or drop Erin Red a line at erinredradio@gmail.com.  You can also read her blog at erinred.tumblr.com, and find her on Facebook and Twitter @erinred.