Christmas Update

Tales of Old show

Summary: Hello everyone and Merry Christmas to all the Tales of Old listeners out there. There will be no episode this week because I just can't get my stuff together visiting with multiple families, but we will be back next week. I'm getting some great submissions that I think you will really like. Since I started the podcast in June 2011 I've had to learn a lot, but I've also gotten a lot of encouragement. It is hard to believe that we already have 28 episodes out. The written stories are a new thing I'm playing with. A few people have said they would like to have the option of reading the stories. That's kind of counter-intuitive to me, but the stories are good, so if you are not an audio person it is another option. I've tried to make the latest stories available for Kindle, Nook, and just online reading. I have no way to check if the Nook option works. I've checked the Kindle with my son's Ipod Kindle app. No, I still don't have one, but I haven't opened my Christmas presents yet! You may have also noticed that I am trying to add a little more historical background before the stories. If anybody would like to contribute any historical bits, either audio or written (which I would then read) please let me know. We have gotten a some donations, for which I am exceedingly grateful. Thank you very much. The way the podcast works, most of the stories are new. Authors submit stories to me via email and I buy the stories that appeal to me. Early on I got advice from other magazine editors to use a form letter when I rejected a story. I did that, but I started to feel really bad about not making some personal contact with the people that were slaving away to create something for all of us. So now I respond to each entry personally, whether I accept it or not. If you are interested in submitting a story, the guidelines are on our website I have solicited a few stories and I've also used some good out of print stories. Thank you to all of you who have commented on Facebook or on the website. So far we have not gotten enough to put up a forum, but I would be happy to do that if there is interest in the future. I will sign off now with a final big thank you to everyone who has submitted a story and for all of you who listen! I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season and a happy New Year.   We don't have an enormous listenership, but it is becoming a little bit of a community.   there will be no story for December 25th. I just got too far behind and pulled into Christmas activities to pull the show together.