Ideation Podcast Interview with Ben Keesey (CEO of Invisible Children)

Ideation Podcast show

Summary: The Ideation Podcast is an on-the-go podcast designed to help people move their ideas forward through better implementation. In each episode, we interview thought leaders from multiple industries as they share about how they implement their ideas in order to make them remarkable (i.e., worth making a remark about). In this episode, we had the privilege of interviewing Ben Keesey, CEO of Invisible Children. Earlier in 2012, Invisible Children released the 30-minute documentary, KONY 2012, that garnered more than 150 million views online and became the most viral video in history. In the following weeks, Ben guided the company into a whole new arena of influence and directed KONY 2012: Part II - Beyond Famous. Ben shared his thoughts on Invisible Children, KONY 2012, practical insights to moving ideas forward, staying productive in high demanding environments, and leading through difficult seasons. I think you'll enjoy his practical insights. Also, many thanks to MailChimp for making this podcast possible through their sponsorship! Please take a moment to listen below. [Click here to subscribe on iTunes]