What's The Big Deal? Part 4 - Worship, Oct 28, 2012

The Rock of KC show

Summary: - Ex. 34:14, Deut.4:19,8:19,26:10, 1 Chron. 16:29, Ps. 5:7,22:27,29:2,66:4,95:6,99:5,John4:23-24,Rev.15:4 - corporate worship is a big deal because: 1. God is worthy if it - it's the protocol of the throne room of heaven (Ps. 100:4) 2. we are commanded to (Eph. 5:15-21, Heb.10:22-25) 3. it's a weekly, visible testimony to the resurrection 4. it's a statement that God is first, supreme and most important 5. it's an outward expression of an inward revelation 6. God uses it to save the lost (Ps. 40:3) - "I tell you this personal story as a way to illustrate just how important a church's corporate worship is - God used a worship service to save my life." William Graham Tullian Tchividjian - Isa. 6:1-5 - a worship service isn't the place to showcase human talent but the place for God to showcase His divine treasure - we come to sing of who He is and what He's done - "How much larger your life would be if your self could become smaller in it" G.K. Chesterton - corporate worship services in the church today desperately need to recover a sense of God's size 7. corporate sorwhip helps us realize our supreme need - "A God-centered, gospel-fueled owrship service is a service that leads people to conclude that Jesus plus nothing equals everything and everything minus Jesus equals nothing" Tullian Tchividjian - Isaiah's varied response: 1. he responds intellectually to God's presence - "My eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts" (v.5) 2. he responds emotionally - "I'm undone" (v.5) 3. he responds volitionally - "Here am I, send me" (v.8) - "The same dynamic explains the primary purpose of corporate worship: to rediscover the mighty acts of God in Christ coming to do for us what we could never do for ourselves. We gather in worship to celebrate God's grip on us, not our grip on God." - Tullian Tchividjian