Business Opportunities can Replace Lost Job Income. - Jun 29,2012

Deft Free Wealth, Money Coach | Blog Talk Radio Feed show

Summary: Business Opportunities may just be the answer to the unemployeds need for income replacement. With the job market being so bad these days, those with pink slips are no longer finding it easy to get greenbacks (cash). While becoming an entrepreneur requires a mindshift, some are involuntarily finding they either try this option, or starve. On Debt Free Wealth Radio, ever so often, we showcase various entrepreneurs who have made the shift from collecting a paycheck, to creating one. Here is another round of those who have taken a step to create an income for their families, and are willing to share that same opportunity with you. At Debt Free Wealth Radio, we believe that even if you have a great job, unless you can guarantee that company will never merge and move, ugrade technology and downgrade staff needs, layoff, or close their doors - you really cannot guarantee you wont go from paycheck to ZERO! Having a business opportunity on the side, or as a way to replace income is one way to have better control over the future of your cash flow. Join us!