Retirement Funding: Egging the Nest. - Aug 31,2012

Deft Free Wealth, Money Coach | Blog Talk Radio Feed show

Summary: When eggs are laid, there needs to be a period of incubation during which development takes place and eventually duplication and multiplication of the original happens. Same thing with retirement funding. Specific events need to happen for the funds to exist, and incubation needs to happen for duplication and multiplication to happen. Is your nest empty? If you have eggs, do you have enough? Are the eggs being effectively nurtured into maturity? These analogies regarding retirement funding are to conceptualize something very urgent and very immediate. Many of us are outliving our retirement. So rather than blindly repeat the mistake of those before you and get burned yourself, observe and avoid those mistakes and take action now to prepare for the days ahead when working will not be an option, and the job market will not be the excuse.