Mastering Fear

NurseHealer Radio show

Summary: This is a class on mastering fear in your life. Healthy fear is our early warning system that guides us to make wiser decisions. A little healthy fear keeps us from making foolish mistakes. For example, it is healthy fear that prevents us from sticking our hand in an open flame and being burned. Unhealthy fear pushes us beyond what is beneficial for us into actions or the lack of action that impedes our personal progress. Unhealthy fear stifles or even paralyzes us with panic, irrational fear and anxiety. In the extreme example, unhealthy fear of fire might prevent us from being able to light a match, even in times of need. Learn to recognize and express gratitude for healthy fear that serves your best interest and to distinguish when fear is at or approaching the unhealthy state. Learn to manage and master your fears to move forward with your plans, hopes and dreams in safety and with confidence.   Co-Host Ashley Gail   Mastering Fear Class Outline and Resources   Class Outlines are available at with all class resources. Vote on or suggest future classes at (click on “Survey.”) Download or purchase audio, video, and written materials at