Decisive Action for Life Direction

NurseHealer Radio show

Summary: This class is on taking decisive action for life direction. Decisiveness is the key to moving forward with confidence. Our inner insecurities that are based on unpleasant past experiences and anxiety about unwanted consequences keep us in a quandary of indecisiveness at times. Learn simple basic principles of resoluteness, ways to identify your triggers and how to devise a purposeful plan of action for any decision you may face. A simple concept I was taught many years ago is that we should worry less about making the "right" decision and accept that many decisions we make are not between right and wrong; but between this and that. So if we allow ourselves to move forward and MAKE a decision with the resolve to MAKE IT RIGHT, then we always make the "right" decision. Learn to strengthen your ability to be decisive with clear volition and authority. Know yourself. Trust yourself. Honor yourself. Believe yourself. These four simple phrases can empower you to be decisive and take action to propel your life in the direction of your choosing. Class Outline Co-Host Ashley Gail Vote on or suggest future classes at (click on “Survey.”) Download or purchase audio, video, and written materials at