Patrick Arden McNally - Access Consciousness Facilitator

Carol Watson - Unleash Your Magnificience show

Summary: Title: Dealing with the Electromagnetic Fields in your life Description: Have you ever got a headache from being on the computer too long or using a phone? What about unexplainable feelings of burning, tingling, numbness and extreme anxiety for no reason? Do you experience low energy during the day? What if you were actually being affected by the Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) that are around you all the time? On this show, we'll explore what electrical sensitivity is, the symptoms that you may be experiencing that would denote being affected by EMFs, and using the tools of Access Consciousness, we will clear out limiting points-of-view that would keep you at the affect of EMFs. We will also do an Electromagnetic Radiation clearing at the end of the show to clear your energy bodies and make you less affected by Electromagnetic Fields. Patrick Arden McNally is a Life Coach and Healer from Tucson, AZ. Specializing in working with people who suffer from Electrical Sensitivity and Emotional Problems, he uses the tools of Access Consciousness, Theta Healing and Intuitive counseling to help people overcome their issues and experience lives of Ease and Joy and Glory! For more information, visit