The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #169 – Series 7 wrap-up and listener feedback

The Doctor Who Podcast show

Summary: Step inside the DWP campervan for a final look back at the series 7.  Did the five episodes live up to their ‘movie of the week’ billing promulgated by Mr Moffat and his team?  Or did they fall – well, just a little bit flat?  What of the ‘standalone, no-arc’ policy?  Did it work? Was it even true?!  Will you miss the Ponds? Did they have a happy or sad farwell? Will we see them again?!  And just how much of a coincidence was it that the Statue of Liberty was exactly the right height so that her head poked menacingly above the roof-edge at Winter Quay?! So many questions! Join Trevor (he’s back!) and James (he’s s still here) as they attempt to answer some of these, and some other, more sensible ones posed by our listeners! Feedback always welcome – send it to