Letterpress for iPad

Total iPad show

Summary: This was my original review of Letterpress, the game seems to have been fixed since I first wrote this: I have had to completely close the app and relaunch it at least 30x today. Probably more. I did not have this issue with the free version of the game, it was only when I upgraded to the paid version. I am not sure if this is some sort of server issue? Maybe I have too many games going at once? Just a thought. Having more than 2 games is the entire reason I upgraded via the In-App Purchase though, if I can't have more than a few games going at once then maybe a limit needs to be placed on the app? If it is not a server issue then maybe it is a Game Center issue? I have not had a problem with Game Center games before though. The gameplay is fun, the app is beautifully designed. That is not the issue, the issue is the game is pointless if it cannot connect to Game Center. Seems like it has this problem every 5 minutes. Then when you relaunch the game it takes 3-4 minutes for it to update before you are able to do anything in the game. This is a multiplayer game so if I can't connect to Game Center then I just wasted $0.99! Issues I am having: Constantly have problems connecting.. Can't create new matches even after paying the $0.99 to upgrade the free version... Hopefully this is something that will get addressed in an update, until then I have deleted the app from iPad because there is no sense having something on there that I can not enjoy! You can visit the Letterpress website for more information about the game.