Cheesehead Radio: Ten In A Row! - Oct 07,2011

Cheesehead Radio  | Blog Talk Radio Feed show

Summary: Cheesehead Radio is your BlogTalkRadio Packer Stop to talk about all things Packers. The Packers are 4-0 and sitting atop every power ranking there is. Is there anything we can come up with to complain about? Not likely, but well be talking with Ty Dunne of the Milwaukee-Journal Sentinal as we run through our Quarterly Report on how Green Bay is shaping up for the long haul. Joining us on the back nine will be a return visit from Adam Schultz, the awesome Falcons Blogger from TheFalcoholic,com, where he will get us up to date on what the Packers can expect Sunday night. Join CD, Jersey Al, Jayme, and John as we celebrate the ten-game win streak and get you ready for the weekend, Packer style!