10/25/12 - Whole Foods and Breast Cancer - 10/25/12

What Women Must Know show

Summary: The Whole-Food Guide Breast Cancer Survivors with Helayne Waldman, Ms, EdD Millions of breast cancer survivors have two things in common: a renewed gratitude for their good health and a recharged commitment to taking care of their bodies. Learn how to rebuild health after survive breast cancer and reduce the chance of breast cancer recurrence. Eeryone will benefit form this interview. Learn the keys for optimizing your hormonal balance and well being, After a long career in media and education, Helayne Waldman decided to pursue her passion for nutrition and healthy living at Bauman College of Holistic Nutrition. Upon graduating, she opened a practice in Oakland, California where she specializes in breast cancer support, weight and blood sugar management and healthy aging. She is a current faculty member at Bauman College, on the Board of The Annie Appleseed Project (advancing education and advocacy for people with cancer) and writes and lectures widely in the San Francisco Bay Area. http://www.wholefoodguideforbreastcancer.com