Hellmouth Podcast show

Summary: Here is the Hellmouth Podcast Episode for Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind. We get our Cordelia fix in this episode as we track down an invisible girl bent on revenge. There is a lot to cover in this episode as we approach the season finale. The series and the podcast are picking up some steam. No one is safe from the invisible girl. Giles meets Angel Buffy is busy checking her own list twice and... Cordelia can be a B!#ch * Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 1 Episode 11 – Out of Mind, Out of Sight * Open at Sunnydale High with our favorite student Cordelia * This is probably the first Cordelia-intense episode of the series and thank god! * They are beginning to discuss the end of the school year. This would be their sophomore year. * Talking about her dress for the end of school dance. Having dress specially made “off the rack gives me hives” * Walking through the halls discussing Cordelia’s immanent election as the May Queen. * Buffy comes plowing out of the library and crashes into the group spilling her bag of goodies, stakes etc. all over the floor of the hallway. * Cordelia and Harmony scoff and talk about Buffy’s permanent weirdness. * Cordelia turns to her beau and says “Did I ever tell you about the time she attacked me at the bronze.” * Buffy is obviously bothered by the way Cordelia mocks her. She is hurt I think because she used to be part of that popular crowd. * Next scene begins with the lines “if you prick us, do we not bleed?” * This is an interesting scene in my opinion. * They are discussing the Merchant of Venice * Cordelia and Willow are discussing in a class setting the play. However, their discussion is on a deeper level as they are talking about their own individual roles in the hierarchy of the school. * Mitch (Cordelia’s beau) is in the boy’s locker room. * Talking to some of the guys about getting his tux for the dance. Guy locker room talk about Cordelia, playing the macho guy up. * Invisible girl shows up giggling at Mitch and for no apparent reason, picks up a bat and beats the unholy crap out of him a la boiler room smoking chic. * Credits * Buffy’s locker * Cordelia is walking through the halls passing out chocolates to encourage votes for the May Queen. * Tells Buffy she can’t have one; she doesn’t need the loony fringe vote. * Xander and Willow show up, discuss Cordelia trying to hard. * Xander doesn’t know what kind of moron would want to be May Queen anyway… Buffy does. * Turns out Buffy was a may queen equivalent at her old school. You can see that she misses those days. * One of Mitch’s buddies comes running down the halls. Mitch has been found beaten up. * Snyder is trying to control the situation; there are no dead bodies in his school, this week. * Buffy and gang stop Mitch on his way out, he tells them about the floating bat that attacked him. * Buffy starts to go investigate the crime scene. * Snyder stops her and starts to comment about how she is always sticking her nose in things. * Willow mentions that Mitch might sue the school and immediately Snyder’s attention is diverted and Buffy goes into the boy’s locker room. * Buffy finds the bat on the floor, the beat up lockers. * When she closes the locker doors, someone has spray-painted “LOOK” on the locker doors. * In the cafeteria, Buffy, Xander and Willow are discussing “LOOK”. * Giles shows up to speak with them. * Buffy at this point has already ruled out monsters. * Giles has narrowed it down to telekinesis, invisible creature, and poltergeist. * Time to research * Willow compile a list of dead or missing kids * Xander help Giles research in the library * Buffy is going to find out what she can about Mitch. * Upstairs – Sunnydale high * Harmony catches up with Cordelia who wasn’t in fifth period * Cordelia went to the hospital. * Some kind of strange flashback here.