Excitotoxins – What are they, why avoid them?

Natural Moms Talk Radio » Podcast show

Summary: Mindy Meyer (@Meymin) of  Nourish Your Children is our guest this week. Mindy is a homeschooling mom of 5 who recently completed an ebook and is generously offering a free copy to a listener! More info below. photo credit: dslrninja What Are Excitotoxins? Just as it sounds, excitotoxins “excite” the body tissues, starting with the tongue (wow! that tastes good! want more!) – but not in a good way.  Many of us think of “Chinese restaurant syndrome” and MSG (monosodium glutamates) when we hear the word. Glutamates exist naturally in some natural, healthy foods but your body is able to handle those without problems. During certain processes (for instance the refining of foods) these are turned into “free glutamates” that do damage to the body.  Sadly, even “organic/natural” foods that are highly processed can contain these excitotoxins. Mindy’s free worksheet with more information on excitotoxins and how to avoid them is available here:  Nourish Your Children Mentioned on the show: - The Weston A. Price Foundation To win a copy of Mindy’s ebook: Simply leave a comment below (with a valid email address so I can contact you). The winner will be chosen and notified on Wednesday, October 21 at NOON Eastern time.