Life Alchemy™ Podcast with Laura Berman Fortgang

Blog - The Paula G Company show

Summary: Today I am thrilled, thrilled, thrilled to have as my guest best-selling author and personal coaching pioneer Laura Berman Fortgang. I first discovered Laura's work back in 2004 around the time her book Now What?® 90 Days to a New Life Direction was published. At the time I was confined in the corporate cubicle yearning for a way out. That is why it is equally exciting to me that six years later I became an authorized facilitator of that work and had the opportunity to be trained by Laura as part of the process. Today our conversation focuses around her latest book released just this month called The Prosperity Plan. Let me tell you a bit about Laura... She has spent twenty plus years of supporting people to find meaning, purpose and satisfaction in their lives as a pioneer in the personal coaching field and a best-selling author, sought-after speaker, corporate spokesperson and interfaith minister. Laura’s years as a professional musical theater performer helped form her no-nonsense, entertaining writing and speaking style that has helped her uplifting messages spread far and wide. (And since we made her sing during the Now What?® training, I can tell you she can still belt it out and then some.) Frankly I think Laura could make reading the telephone listings entertaining and insightful. Laura has also been a media perennial for years. Her appearances on Oprah, The CBS Early Show, NBC's Today, Good Morning America, various nationally syndicated and cable outlets as well as a long stint as contributing editor for Redbook Magazine and in other major print and digital media have helped her reach millions of people who want to improve their work and life. This is one more reason why I am so humbled and grateful to be able to have her as my guest! Our conversation drives home the importance of making decisions in a new way, one much more tuned into your intuition which is the very thing I am so passionate about (there's a reason Intuitive Intelligence™ is the next evolution of my work).  You'll love Laura's story and her transparent, honest insight into what has made her so successful as a business owner and as a woman of many talents (mother, wife, performer, interfaith minister, and more). You can learn more about the many things Laura offers at her website and learn more about The Prosperity Plan (the book and experiencing those principles live with Laura as your guide - I've done it and it is powerful!) at Now snuggle up or download and get your body moving...either way you'll want to listen. Running Time: 30 minutes