Mormon Missionaries Debate A Georgia Preacher

Mormon Truth Interviews!! show

Summary: This is a great video (now over 230,000 views and 7,500 comments in just over 6 months on YouTube) of Mormon Missionaries taking on a preacher from Georgia. To watch the video, please go to: (Just search for "Georgia Preacher.") They are all fools in my opinion, but the Georgia Preacher definitely dismantles the Mormon missionaries rather easily. This is what happens when you send little 19 year old, sheltered Mormons into the real world, completely unprepared and uneducated. All they can say, is "we represent Jesus Christ, the church is true and Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and the truth was restored because no one believed in Jesus any longer and they crucified him." Now, you get much beyond that little box and they are completely lost and clueless. Some people took issue with the black preacher referring to them as "white boys" at the end, but hey; if I was a black man, knowing that Mormonism teaches I am the "seed of Cain" and "Satan's representative on earth", and two "white boys" came up to me and wanted to set me straight on God and Jesus....I'd probably say much worse than he did and I have no problem with that. I'm a "white boy" and I was not offended in the slightest by his comments. The Mormon church is a very racist organization and like I said, these missionaries got off easy, as this man could have unloaded on them with the racist history and teachings of Mormonism, which would have all been true. The preacher man was right that they actually believe in Joseph Smith and his Jesus and Gordon B. Hinckley, current Prophet of the Mormon cult openly admits that they proudly don't believe in the Biblical Jesus of Christianity. On the other hand, the preacher guy was no better than they were, in the sense that he too, just like them, is deluded and brainwashed and believes that HE has the "one and only truth." In other words, they both believe they are "the only ones with truth" and they are all completely full of SHIT and equally arrogant. For me, it's just good fun to see three arrogant, clueless people going at it. Also, before you TBMS and Mormon apologists feel too bad for these poor little missionaries; realize that the camera was rolling in plain site when they rode up on their bikes, they could see it and they still arrogantly proceeded, because they truly believe that they alone, along with all the other 54,000 Mormon missionaries, truly represent the ONLY correct Jesus Christ and God and are the only ones on the planet with the truth.