Blessed Anne of St. Bartholomew Chapter VI

Meditations from Carmel show

Summary: Blessed Anne of St. Bartholomew Chapter VI   pg 32-33       “It is not because I am good that our Lord granted me these favors, but that His goodness might be made manifest.  Although I was so unworthy of grace, this Adorable Master sought me out that even when I was least occupied with the thought of Him, in order that I might not be lost, and that His kindness might cause admiration.  I performed labors with great consolation, when obedience ordained them.  I had no merit in this; without thinking of the wickedness which must be in me and the numerous faults which escaped my attention, I found consolation in these labors, and it seemed to me I did all for the love of God.  As my Adorable Master saw this, and because He loved me, He took care to send me certain trials, that I might see my self-love, and in order to temper my ardor…       One time I was seated near the door, as I was portress.  I was feeling somewhat hurt, as it seemed to me the older Sisters were not satisfied that the Prioress had placed me at the Turn, because I was still young, and I thought that they were right under the present circumstances.  In this mood I saw in spirit our Lord showing me a withered rosebush in the courtyard, all covered with red and white roses; as it was dried up and it was not the season of roses, the Divine Master said to me:  "these roses cannot be gathered without encountering the thorns."  He wished to make me understand, by that, that it is by suffering and contradictions that virtue is acquired.       I will say here, for the glory of our Lord, that He always gave me consolations when I did good to my neighbor, when the occasion presented itself, and when I aided them in their need.  I inconvenienced myself, it is true, on these occasions, but I found instead of an inconvenience it was a real consolation.  It is to the good Master I owe it, and it has remained so with me until this day.  May His holy Name be blessed!”   Autobiography of the Blessed Mother Anne of Saint Bartholomew Inseparable Companion of Sainit Teresa of Avila and Foundress of the Carmels of Pontoise, Tours and Antwerp:  French Translation of the Unpublished Autograph of the Vernerable Servant of God, Preserved by the Carmelites of Antwerp, with Commentary and Historical Notes.  By Reverend Marcel Bouis, S.J.:  Trnaslated from the French by a Religious of the Carmel of St. Louis, MO., U.S.A.  Imprimatur:  Joannes Josephus, Archiepiscopus, Sti. Ludovici.  20 December, 1916