The Eucharist Is . . .

Singing the Triumphal Hymn show

Summary: While teaching at St. Athanasius Academy of Orthodox Theology back in the '80s and early '90s, Fr. John would give his students an assignment toward the end of the quarter, in which he taught on the Divine Liturgy. The assignment: List as many ways that Fr. Alexander Schmemann describes the Eucharist (or the Liturgy) as you can find in chapter 2 of For the Life of the World. He decided to challenge himself with the assignment, but expanded it to include quotes from Liturgy and Life, as well. The result; a poem entitled "The Eucharist is..." a poetic compilation of quotations from Rt. Rev. Protopresbyter Alexander Schmemann. We have just completed the 25th Anniversary of the departure from this life of Fr. Alexander Schemann (d. Dec 13, 1983) and Fr. John would like to dedicate this podcast to Fr. Alexander with this poem, published in the chapter: "Bread Which Strengthens Man's Heart' in Fr. John's book Sacred Meals.