10 Conditional Salvation

Truth Matters show

Summary: Rev. Bob Mathieson has been serving as the pastor of a congregation in Newark, Delaware for the last twenty years. When he was in his twenties he first accepted the gospel of Jesus Christ and learned theology from an ultra-dispensationalist perspective. As a result, for the first thirty years of his Christian experience, Bob believed and held firmly to the doctrine called, "once saved, always saved." However, in the last four years or so, Bob has been researching the topic of dispensationalism and salvation and has come to a better understanding. Throughout this conversation, Bob not only shows the errors of dispensational theology, but he also lays in its place the foundation for a holistic view of Scripture. In our discussion on the possibility of someone losing his or her salvation, Bob remarked: "Many people are concerned about this, and I understand their concern initially, because they have made themselves feel good about the fact they could never lose it--it scares them. Someone says, "Are you telling me I can lose my salvation?" My response to that is, "That's the wrong way to put it. You lose your car keys; you don't lose your salvation. You forfeit your salvation; you walk away from your salvation. You don't lose it. It not something where you are going to be surprised. This is a deliberate saying, "I'm going to do what I want to do with my life, I'm not going to continue to make Jesus Lord, and I'm going to continue on in some kind of sinful way." The only thing left then, is a fiery judgment that God will judge." Listen in to hear a masterful and balanced presentation of a subject that in the hands of less skilled exegetes has crumbled into either "easy believism" or "works salvation." Is their a third option? Tune in to find out.