An Actor Grows Up

Acting Is... » Notes on Acting show

Summary: Everyone grows older.  But for actors the changes that happen to our faces and bodies have career implications.  They change the way we look and that changes the roles we’re considered for.  Even though you may not feel any different, the aging process has an impact on your career. Dealing with these changes is a challenge for every actor.  The roles we get used to playing in our 20’s are not the ones we’ll be playing in our 30’s or 40’s. And if we aren’t aware of how we’re changing, we will always be auditioning for the wrong roles and we won’t get cast. One thing you can do that will help you understand how others see you is to watch TV or go to a show with friends.  Afterwards, ask them how they would cast you in the show.  This will give you an idea of how others perceive you and what type of characters they see you playing. Another thing to do is have a friend make a video of you at work, play, or at home. Watch the video over and over again until you are able to look at it objectively.  After a while you will begin to see how you look and move.  Really seeing ourselves is difficult.  But it is essential skill for an acting career.