01 Provincetown Drive Intro.mp3

Tourcaster - Provincetown - Driving into and Walking Audio Tour show

Summary: In the driving portion narrated by Provincetown singer/songwriter Zoe Lewis, you’ll first visit historic Highland Light (also known as Cape Cod Light) lighthouse before continuing along the Cape Cod National Seashore to Race Point at the very tip of Cape Cod, then park your car in Provincetown.<br> <br> The walking tour begins in the center of town at McMillan Wharf and continues along Provincetown’s historic and visually exciting Commercial Street. Written and guided by knowledgeable and well known resident Gordon Peabody, this informative narrative describes the many faces of Provincetown as well as the environmental changes faced by this part of Cape Cod. You’ll discover stories and facts about this fascinating town and waterfront area you can only hear from an insider. This is track one of a multi-track tour, to download the complete tour visit www.tourcaster.com.