ENHANCED PODCAST- HD RADIO, Earsets, RIS, and More! Enhanced Podcast E13

MusTech.net's Technological Music & Musings Show! show

Summary: This is the ENHANCED podcast version of Episode 13 Make sure you have selected "run scripts" from under the security tab of the tools section in Media Player to utilize this Enhanced Podcast! Also note that this episode may have to be downloaded to your computer to take advantage of the Enhanced features... Mustech.net podcasts are some of the very best on the web about music and technology subjects you love! Visit MUSicTECHnology.net today! and let us know about you! Mustech.net offers articles about music, education, technology and more! ************************************************************ HD Radio, Earsets, RIS, and More!, Podcast E13 The third episode of season three finds Joseph and Darren being surrounded with jack hammers, wrecking balls, and general chaos at the WSAJ studio. Darren was a little "late" for the recording and Joseph was stuck trying to find his way into a construction war-zone! This episode re-visits the HD Radio concept and new topics like Reading Instruction Services, Earsets for broadcasting, soundproofing, mic preamps, and whole host of audio related topics. This show is also the first one that was dual recorded as a standard mp3 and ALSO as an ENHANCED PODCAST in wma form. Don't miss the cool features and immersive learning environment that the ENHANCED podcast offers! NOTE: In order to take advantage of the Enhanced podcast on the MAC you will have to have Windows Media Palyer 9 for OS X installed. Get it here! Also you will have to have the "Run Scripts When Present Box" checked from the Security Tab in Window's Media Player if it's not already. You'll know this is working when websites related to the podcast start to open while the podcast is playing. Original Air Date: 8/02/2008 Website: http://www.mustech.net Podcasters: Dr. Joseph M. Pisano, Mr. Darren J. Morton Episode 13’s Show: *HD Radio *Soundproofing *Alarm Clocks *Garbage In, Garbage Out GIGO *Advice about microphones and audio quality *RIS Reading Information Services/Radio Information Services *AKG HSC271 Earsets *TRS 80 *Beautiful PA! (continued)