Intermediate #4 - Suffering Losses in Italy

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Summary: Learn Italian with ItalianPod101! Don't forget to stop by for more great Italian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Sara: Giovanna hai per caso visto i miei occhiali? Li lascio sempre in giro... Giovanna: Quelli piccoli e dorati? No mi dispiace. Sai, dovresti usare una catenella. Sara: Hai ragione. Me li devo mettere al collo. Ogni due per tre, li perdo! Giovanna: Ti porto in un negozio dove fanno degli accessori molto carini, incluse delle catenelle per occhiali simpatiche e colorate. Sara: Dovrei anche decidermi a comprare un portaocchiali. Giovanna: Ma non te l’ha regalato Lucia a Natale? Sara: Era nero e così ho perso pure quello. Giovanna: Al tuo compleanno te lo regalo arancio! Sara: Spiritosa! James: Scusate, qualcuna ha portato lo spartito delle musiche di Morricone da provare oggi? Lo volevo prestare a Sandro, ma credo di averlo lasciato a casa. Glielo avevo promesso! ----Formal English---- Sara: Giovanna, have you seen my glasses by any chance? I always leave them around... Giovanna: The small, golden ones? No, I'm sorry. You should use a glasses chain. Sara: You're right. I should put them around my neck. I lose them every so often. Giovanna: I'll take you to a shop where they make some really nice accessories, including some cute and colorful glasses chains. Sara: I should also finally buy a case for my glasses. Giovanna: Lucia gave one to you for Christmas, didn't she? Sara: Yes, but it was black, and I lost that too. Giovanna: For your birthday, I'll give you an orange one. Sara: Very funny. James: Excuse me, has anyone brought the score of Morricone's music that we're going to rehearse today? I wanted to lend it to Sandro, but I think I left it at home. I had promised it to him! --------------------------- Learn Italian with ItalianPod101! Don't forget to stop by for more great Italian Language Learning Resources!