The Addicted #142: Hypknotover

The Addicted show

Summary: This week Hyp comes down from his trip to the land of the free (and cheap) and we get back into some WOW. YouTube: Audio: The Addicted Episode 142: Hypknotover Subscribe: Addicted iTunes feed Bind on Equip Megafeed Feedburner Feedburner MP3 Find our friends: Bind on Equip Control Alt WoW OotiniCast The Overlores Shattered Soulstone Intro Music: Quitters go to Meetings This week: Cypher gets his home back Hyp goes home And We Go over our regrets Hellos and RL: Cypher: Getting back to the swing of things at work Need another 2 weeks off. Look for ep 15 of OMGNAP Hypknotoad: 6.5hrs of back kicking Bus home no wifi What I miss most about the States? Five Guys (can we overnight those?) also checked and apparently they are coming to London at some point. Also found out their standard cheeseburger is 840 calories! Currently London’s best burger seems to be Byron but I’ve been there and it’s expensive and not as tasty. Being off work. Cypher’s cats :) Massive soda selections. BUFFELO WINGS! Thinking about Vegas next year. Checking out flights and hotels. 2 weeks at the Bellagio + flights costs £2880 :( Re-reading Harry Potter. Up to the Prisoner of Azkaban. Corrections Box / Mailbox: Twitter: Hypknotoad Cypher The Addicted Paranoid Rick H @Buggerwow6d @TheAddictedCast Is that Quinn or Loki vying for the 4th host slot? KITTY! Rick H @Buggerwow6d @TheAddictedCast Is it wrong that "Love In An Elevator" kept running through my mind as @ie_ashli told her elevator story? Rick H @Buggerwow @TheAddictedCast Hyp was lucky the Ren Faire didn't capture him as a leprechaun. Juuno Korialstrasz @Juunoswow Heading to the Renn Faire today. Hopefully we'll see better boobs than@hypknotoad did.. hehehe… ;) Rick H @Buggerwow6d @TheAddictedCast Amstel Light is acceptable. It's the fruity drink in the pic I was referring to that calls Hyp's Man Card into question. Rick H @Buggerwow @TheAddictedCast Cy: "We wouldn't do 5 guys a week like you've been forcing us to." Sounds like a party to me!#hypknotemberD.A.Leary @new5thpants @hypknotoad @IzaakTheMad @cypher_x@ie_ashli home sweet home. Thanks again for hopping the pond. & thanks to the Boston crew for hosting. Izaak @IzaakTheMad @hypknotoad @new5thpants sad to see you go. So is my portfolio. I sold off all my shares of Five Guys. grimrok @grimrok7d @cypher_x @hypknotoad @ie_ashli And thanks for allowing us to enjoy the visit from afar :-) 'Hypknovegas?' I like the sound of that :-) Vern @Verns_heals @hypknotoad I hope you enjoyed the US. See you in Pandaria   Facebook: The Addicted on Facebook In Game: Mail: Donations: iTunes Reviews: Games: News: Cypher: Dishonored: Played it all morning.  Enjoying it so far.  Very reminiscent of thief. Hypknotoad: Our Weeks in WoW: Cypher: Started leveling my main with Ash.  We got about ½ to 86.  Enjoying to new content.  Landscapes are pretty.  Like the monkey dudes.   Discovered that You can’t begin your pet battle leveling in Pandaria. Hypknotoad: Frail: Levelling and getting used to the Nostromo. Running new instances Started doing the mini game thing Purple: Crooked: Pearlneck: Flacidpnus Paranoid: Our Weeks in TOR: Cypher: Hypknotoad: Entertainment: Movies: Cypher:  Started Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.  Very slow paced but beautifully shot. Hypknotoad: TV Shows: Cypher: Boardwalk Empire Face off Hypknotoad: Thanks for listening.