039: Rapidfire #10

ShopTalk show

Summary: Another RAPIDFIRE episode of ShopTalk! No guests, no #hotdrama, no news, just all steaming hot question on answer action. We talk about (roughly in order): Golden rules for freelancers or sub contractors for protecting themselves. What to do when your working environment is getting too complicated for you to feel effective. What happens with ems on retina displays? Do they change? What about rems? How do you load mobile specific stylesheets in WordPress with wp_enqueue_style()? Should you use fake data for development in the early days of a web app? Can you size icon fonts like you might size an image in a flexible design, taking up 100% of the width of a container like an image might? Is it OK to use Dreamweaver for a code editor? I’m 16 – what should my hourly rate be? Can you convert CSS into SCSS? Sponsors Mijingo – Screencast for serious developers. One recent release of theirs is about Jekyll, a static site generator on Ruby. Environments for Humans – Conferences for web people. Upcoming conferences include InControl Conf and CSS Dev Conf, back to back in Honolulu Hawaii this early December.