Podcast 21 - On Moose, Men and Mint

GeekMethod - We geek out so you dont have to show

Summary: Having the plague sucks. There’s all the coughing, and the fever, and that whole pesky death thing - what a pain. Regardless, we persevere and bring you the goods. I always like it when a lady joins us in the studio - I like the contrast in tone that it makes between her and the two of us. Not to mention that any girl is prettier than staring at Ryan for an hour, so that’s - you know - a bonus. However, Katie is of course exceptionally lovely and she joins us for Meth Labs, wacky inventions from DARPA, the most bad-assed moose you’ve ever heard of, and exploding laptops. We also discussed what we thought about Frank Miller’s 300, and why the DMV is most definitely Hell.