Podcast 39 - Moon-boots get me in my man-place

GeekMethod - We geek out so you dont have to show

Summary: In the future, people will not be killed by baseballs to the head, as we will all be wearing excellent space suits with protective helmets. Nor will we be ran over by our drunken girlfriends, as they will be driving hover-cars. Perhaps they may crash into trees or mountains. The government will be able to track our every movement, but thankfully we will have wicked moon-boots so we can get away quickly - trucks notwithstanding. We will paint solar panels on any available flat surface, send condolence cards when our game systems die, and hearing someone say “Fuck! Someone hacked my fridge”, will not be in the least bit ridiculous. - Think I’m insane, or making this up? These are all things that are in development, were announced, or actually happened this past week. HOORAY FUTURE!