Podcast 44 - Where’s YOUR Big Daddy?

GeekMethod - We geek out so you dont have to show

Summary: After 5 hours of play, I feel it’s safe to say that the critics were spot on - BioShock kicks eight different kinds of ass. I purchased the limited edition collectors’ set for seventy bucks, and I don’t regret it one bit. This is fully one of the most engrossing and frightening games I’ve ever played. I have a few little nitpicky complaints - mostly about the controls - but I don’t feel they detract from the game play in any fashion that’s worth mentioning. Let’s take for example one of the first major boss battles, the nefarious Dr. Steinman - One could just go toe to toe with the good Doctor, popping caps or smacking him on the head with a wrench. This is a completely valid option. Or, you could grab a fuel canister with your telekenesis plasmid and ram it up his ass. You could also wait until he stands on an oil slick and light it on fire. Or - you could also wait until he goes into a lower level that is filled with water and electrocute him. If he runs to a healing station after taking too much punishment - oh, sorry dog - but I hacked that shit five minutes ago so now it feeds you poison. It’s the sheer number of choices you’re presented with that make this game really shine, and I’m looking forward to several hours of sweet, sweet underwater bliss.