Podcast 49 - Hmm, this sausage tastes rubbery

GeekMethod - We geek out so you dont have to show

Summary: I don’t know if Americans spend too much time on the internet - certainly not anyone who listens to this show. You are all fine, upstanding examples of online culture. Now go outside, and don’t forget your SPF 6 million sunblock. That evil ball of fire burrrrrrrrrrns usss.. Also, I just wanted to elaborate on the new language learning web-app, Mango, we mention briefly on the show - it’s fucking delicious. Seriously. I’ve used a lot of language learning stuff in preparation for going to Japan, and I’ve got to say this is some seriously excellent shit. Free shit is always good, but really well done free shit? I approve. If you’re looking to pick up some language skills, you should definitely check this out. ( .. OH GOD, IM NEVER IMAGE-GOOGLING FOR SAUSAGE AGAIN .. )