Lu Martinez Re- Scheduled!!! Feb.14th at1pm pacific

Peace of Mind Broadcast show

Summary: Welcome to Peace of MInd Broadcast!! On Feb. 14th we will have Lu Martinez of Body and Soul Reconnection doing some shaman work to help release blocks in our energy body so that we can experience the relationship with our Self and through that understanding the relationships with others and loved ones. Many times we have unconscious blocks that are hindering our life in some way from attaining what we really want in LIfe. Lu has the extraordinary gift to see the blocks in our body and remove them so that we can experience a more joyful, fullfilling life with true choice. She practise shamanism to release these blocks. Please join us to expereince this energy work and call to have a chance to experience her work first hand. And wishing your Valentine's will be one of more completeness within the Self. Sign up here! Namaste, Tamara Om Aroma Co